By Rabbi Michael L. Munk (Author)

The Wisdom In The Hebrew Alphabet

The sacred letters as a guide to Jewish deed and thought.
By Rabbi Michael L. Munk (Author)

List Price: $9.99
Status: Available


From the very first Kabbalistic work, through the Talmud, through an impressive array of rabbinic literature, great minds have found the Aleph-Beis to be a gold mine of wisdom and guidance. This fascinating best-seller weaves these golden threads into a glorious tapestry, presenting hundreds of ideas and comments on the Aleph-Beis, including: the Aleph-Beis as the force of Creation, as a primer for Jewish living, and as a fountainhead of Torah insight and mystical meaning. The product of decades of learning, thinking, and teaching by the revered educator, lecturer, and community activist Rabbi Michael L. Munk. A treat not to be missed.

Product Details

Catalog # WISEI
ISBN-10 : 1422610365
ISBN # : 9781422610367
Format : App Digital Library
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Max Order Limit : 1
Language: English
Kindle Version: 152

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