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Rambam Mishnah Torah - 14 Books - Hebrew Only Sample Hilchos Talmud Torah (Apple/Android FREE Sample)

Adapted from The The Albert D. and Nancy Friedberg Mefarshei Yad ha-Hazakah Project

List Price: $0.00
Status: Available


This is a free sample of what you would receive in the whole digital volume.

All 14 Books of the Rambams Mishnah Torah - fully integrated into the ArtScroll Digital Library.

This volume contains just the classic hebrew text of the Rambam without translation.

When you purchase this volume it will appear as a stand alone volume in your library.

In addition, thousands of references throughout the ArtScroll Digital LIbrary - including the Hebrew and English Talmud will turn into active hyperlinks.

Tap on a hyperlink to the Rambam on Classic Vilna page of the Talmud and the text of the Rambam will appear in a popup - without having to leave the page you are studying.

All the references to the Rambam in the Ein Mishpat and Schottenstein Notes have been hyperlinked to their source in the Rambam.

The Text of the Rambam is fully searchable.

You can even search to see where a given Hlacha in teh Rambam is referenced in the talmud.

Do a long hold on the Halacha in the rambam until - the Menu Bar appears and select "Search References" and you will find every place in the artscroll digital library that Halacha is refered to.


The text of the Rambam has been adapted from The Mefarshei Yad Ha-Hazakah le-ha-Rambam which was compiled and edited by Friedberg's Mefarshei Yad ha-Hazakah Institute, in cooperation with Kollel Oz Vehodor, Jerusalem, 5766.

Product Details

Catalog # RAMBAMS
Format : App Digital Library
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Max Order Limit : 1
Kindle Version: 152