By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman (Author)

On Judaism

Conversations on being Jewish in today's world.
By Rabbi Emanuel Feldman (Author)

List Price: $9.99
Status: Available


Rabbi Emanuel Feldman, one of the most successful figures in the American rabbinate, demonstrates with knowledge, humor, and eloquence that Judaism is exciting and as relevant today as it was a thousand years ago. In easy conversational format, this book discusses faith, covenant, chosen people, ethics, love, G-d, sin, prayer, food and countless other matters. A Shaar Press Book.

Product Details

Catalog # JUDEI
ISBN-10 : 1422610373
ISBN # : 9781422610374
Format : App Digital Library
Published By : ArtScroll Shaar Press
Max Order Limit : 1
Language: English
Kindle Version: 152
This book has 7 sample pages. See all pages

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