Beis HaLevi on Bitachon - Lax Family Digital Edition

The Classic essay of HaGoan Rabbi Yosef Dov Soloveitchik of Brisk

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The Beis HaLevi, Rav Yosef Dov Soloveitchik, is revered as the founder of the Brisker dynasty, Rosh Yeshivah of “the mother of yeshivahs” - Yeshivas Volozhin -- and author of the classics Beis HaLevi Responsa and Beis HaLevi al HaTorah.

Among his writings is a brilliant essay on bitachon, trust in Hashem. It was not published during his lifetime, and remained in manuscript form with family members for close to a century, before it was made available to the public by his great-grandchildren.

Now, at last, English-speaking readers can access the treasures of faith and trust that were hidden away for so many years. The Beis HaLevi on Bitachon includes the entire original text; a flowing, elucidated translation; a wide-ranging commentary that explores the many facets of emunah and bitachon, drawing upon the works of dozens of Torah sages; and an Overview by Rabbi Nosson Scherman. “Insights” appear throughout the book, bringing a contemporary focus to bitachon, and fundamental topics are dealt with more in depth in the appendix section.

The Maharal discussed the importance of reciting pesukim about bitachon every day. This volume includes a special section with such pesukim compiled by Rav Zundel of Salant, together with a prayer for strengthening our bitachon.

The Beis HaLevi on Bitachon gives us clear answers to many of life’s most important questions. What is the proper balance between hishtadlus, effort, and bitachon, trust? How should a person react in times of trouble? Why does fear have no place in a Jew’s life? What are the many benefits of bitachon -- in this world and the next?

The Beis HaLevi on Bitachon is the hidden treasure -- finally revealed! -- which will bring us to the faith and trust so vital to our lives.

The Digital Version has the following additional innovative features:
  • Fully Interactive Translation - tap on a phrase and the translation will popup
  • Synchronized scrolling of the Hebrew, Translation and footnotes
  • Enhanced footnotes with cross reference links to any reference in the Shaar HaBitachon or the Entire Talmud
  • Search in English or Hebrew the entire text of the Shaar HaBitachon including the footnotes
  • Add your own Notes, Bookmarks and Highlights to the text
  • Buy it once and have it available on multiple devices
  • Your notes, bookmarks and highlights will synchronize across multiple devices

Product Details

Catalog # BHBTEI
ISBN-10 : 1422642836
ISBN # : 9781422642832
Format : App Digital Library
Published By : ArtScroll Mesorah Publications
Max Order Limit : 1
Language: Hebrew/English
Apple IOS Version: 704
Android Version: 138
Kindle Version: 152

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Watch our Inside Artscroll interview with the author, Rabbi David Sutton